CookiesCEO ChatGPT

ChatGPT Premium Cookies

Can We use ChatGPT Plus 4 for Free?

Yes, absolutely Yes. We can use ChatGPT Plus 4 for free in 2024. With ChatGPT free Premium Cookies, you can get premium access to ChatGPT Plus 4.

You can use ChatGPT Plus 4 for the rest of your life. CookiesCeo will provide you ChatGPT Plus 4 Account and Password totally for Free

Is ChatGPT Plus 4 Cookies safe?

Yes, ChatGPT Plus 4 Cookies are 100% safe to use in your browser. Remember, ChatGPT Plus 4 cookies don’t capture any data from your browser.  

CookiesCeo provides premium cookies to many platforms so that you can use their premium access for free.


What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It’s designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. ChatGPT has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, allowing it to understand and respond to a wide variety of topics.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

ChatGPT works by using a variant of the Transformer, a type of neural network architecture optimized for processing sequential data, such as text. It was trained on a large dataset of conversational text, allowing it to learn patterns and structures in human language. When a user inputs text, ChatGPT processes this input, considers the context, and generates a response. It does this by predicting the next word in a sequence, repeatedly, until it forms a complete response. The model’s design enables it to handle a wide range of topics and respond in a conversational manner. Despite its sophistication, ChatGPT doesn’t truly “understand” content in the human sense and can make errors, especially with complex or nuanced topics.

Features of ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT has a number of features that makes it a good choice as an AI. ChatGPT Plus, a subscription-based version of ChatGPT, offers several enhanced features compared to the standard, free version:

  • General Access During High Demand: Subscribers get priority access to ChatGPT, even during times of high demand. This means reduced waiting times and more reliable access.
  • Faster Response Times: ChatGPT Plus typically provides quicker response times, enhancing the user experience, especially for more complex queries or during peak usage periods.
  • Priority Access to New Features and Improvements: Subscribers often get early access to new features and updates. This means they can experience the latest advancements in AI and natural language processing before they are rolled out to all users.
  • Dedicated Support: ChatGPT Plus may include better customer support, ensuring that subscribers receive prompt assistance for any issues or queries related to the service.
  • Increased Limits: There might be higher usage limits for Plus subscribers, allowing for more extensive interaction with the AI.

However, the core functionality of generating text based on prompts remains the same between ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus. The Plus version primarily enhances the user experience through improved access and performance.


As of my last update in April 2023, ChatGPT Plus, the premium version of ChatGPT offered by OpenAI, was priced at $20 per month. This subscription fee provides users with the benefits of ChatGPT Plus, including general access even during peak times, faster response times, and priority access to new features and improvements.

It’s important to note that pricing and offerings can change over time. For the most current information on ChatGPT Plus pricing and features, it’s best to check directly with OpenAI’s official website or their official communication channels.

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Access ChatGPT Free

Access to ChatGPT Plus, which is a paid subscription service, is typically not available for free since it’s a premium offering by OpenAI. The standard ChatGPT service is usually available for free, but it may have limitations compared to the Plus version.

However, there are a few scenarios where you might be able to access ChatGPT Plus features without cost:

  1. Promotional Offers: Occasionally, companies may offer promotional access to premium services. Keep an eye on OpenAI’s announcements or newsletters for any such promotions.

  2. Educational or Research Purposes: Sometimes, organizations or individuals involved in education or research may be granted free access to advanced tools for their projects. This would typically require an application and approval from OpenAI.

  3. Partnerships or Collaborations: In some cases, partnerships or collaborations with OpenAI or its affiliates might include access to ChatGPT Plus as part of the arrangement.

  4. Beta Testing: Occasionally, OpenAI might seek beta testers for new features or improvements. Beta testers sometimes get free access to premium features in exchange for their feedback.


Indexification is useful for webmasters who want to increase their website indexing speed and search engine rankings. It offers several advantages, such as faster indexing, a high indexing rate, and a user-friendly interface. Unfortunately, it comes at a hefty cost with limited access.

Indexification offers a selection of subscription plans to fit different budgets and needs. Webmasters can take advantage of the free trial or earn credits through referral programs, social media networks, forums, and reviews.

Indexification can be an invaluable addition to a webmaster’s SEO arsenal; however, you must weigh its pros and cons before signing up for any subscription plan.


  1. Is the output from ChatGPT always correct?

    • While ChatGPT is trained on a vast array of data, it can still make mistakes or provide outdated or incorrect information. It’s always a good idea to verify critical information.
  2. Can I customize ChatGPT for specific tasks?

    • ChatGPT can be guided through prompts for specific tasks, but extensive customization may require access to more advanced AI models or platforms offered by OpenAI.
  3. How does OpenAI handle privacy and data security with ChatGPT?

    • OpenAI has policies in place for privacy and data security, but users should avoid sharing sensitive personal information when interacting with the model.
  4. Can ChatGPT learn from individual interactions?

    • ChatGPT doesn’t learn or retain information from individual interactions for privacy and ethical reasons. It generates responses based on its training data.
  5. Where can I get support or report an issue with ChatGPT?

    • Issues or queries about ChatGPT can typically be directed to OpenAI’s support or through the official website.

How to use ChatGPT Plus 4 Cookies:-

Step 1:-

In this step, you have to open your browser, go that link, download and Install the “CookiesCEO Extension” extension. Click here, and you will redirect to the Extension download page.

CookiesCEO Extension, SEMrush free

Step 2:-


After downloading, extract it through. I my case, I have use Winrar Extractor.

CookiesCEO Extension, SEMrush free

Step 3:-

Go to your browser’s extension page and turn on “Developer Mode”. A series of 3 options will appear, click on “Load Unpacked”.


CookiesCEO Extension, SEMrush free

Step 4:-

After clicking on “Load Unpacked”, go to that location where you Extract the location. Select the extracted Folder/File and install the extension.

CookiesCEO Extension, SEMrush free

That’s how it will look after installation.

Step 5:-

Click on the ChatGPT Plus Freemium” and you’ll redirected. There you have to click on “Copy ChatGPT Plus button.

OpenAI chatgpt plus premium cookies

Step 6:-

Click on the “CookiesCEO Extension that you have recently installed and click on “Parse/Paster Here”.

CookiesCEO Extension, SEMrush free


 “Do not ever Log Out from the account, or else the Cookies will expire for that day.”

Download CookiesCEO Extension

ChatGPT Plus 4 Link

Status : Updated & 100% Working

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